San Diego Radio Sucks Quite A Bit

Friday, February 22, 2008

Radiohead in San Diego August, 2008

I've narrowed it down, I think:

Radiohead have posted their city list for their tour here.

They're confirmed to headline All Points West in NYC on August 8 & 9 (per Pitchfork, here.)

Now there are rumors about Radiohead headlining Outside Lands Festival August 22-24 in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park here (originally found at Pitchfork's site).

So if Radiohead's tour dates are in the order in which they'll be played on their site (which is plausible, except for the jump from Indiana to Los Angeles, then back to Montreal to do more dates in the northeast), then they should be here in San Diego sometime between August 11th and August 21st.

Hmm... maybe I don't have it figured out after all. As long as they're coming, I'm good. It would actually be cool if there was some time between the LA gig(s) and SD show(s) so we could catch them in two places without running ourselves totally ragged.

But hell, it's Radiohead. We'll do what we have to do :)

1 comment:

bereweber said...

oh sr. perro
please let me know when the tickets go on sale
por favor!
mire, the graphics of the bear with map, neat woof grrrr