San Diego Radio Sucks Quite A Bit

Monday, February 4, 2008

80 Days 'til Coachella - American Bang


You fuckin' pussies, come on, Van Hagar clones in 2007?!!?!?

These guys have figured out where everyone's been before and have decided that's where they need to be right now.

Hey, assholes, The OC was CANCELLED!!

Finally, the first band I'm not going to be pissed if I'd missed.

Jeebus, to paraphrase myself,

"This band makes me wanna THROW UP!"

1 comment:

bereweber said...

oh sr. perro
you do need a big piece of soap to wash your mouth
the foam was supposed to be champú not tabbies grrrr
so? you won't be seeing on line at Coachella to see these guys?

warum? (why?) frage ich! (i ask)


yes i listened to the link above
whatever! rather listen to the silence sometimes :)